Charles Wright, N.W.A., and Walter Mosley. Out of the Ashes.

Charles Wright and the Watts 103rd Street Rhythm Band: Express Yourself (Best of)
N.W.A.: Straight Outta Compton (1988)
In physics, they say, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thankfully, the human world works quite differently.
August 11, 1965. A routine police stop. Drunken driver. African-American. Fast-forward one week. 34 dead, 200 million dollars in damage, a neighborhood torn apart, and a nation asking, Why?"
Charles Wright wrote a song. Not just a song, Express Yourself. Out of the ashes of a burned neighborhood, shattered dreams, racist cops, heavy pessimism, and general hopelessness, Charles Wright found that one sliver of hope. A beat. That primal urge to forget your troubles and shake that ass. However, this was even deeper. The power structure of Los Angeles (to quell themselves), came up with a 25 year plan for the social and economic development of South Central LA. You guess how that turned out. Charles defied that plan; come up with your own plan:
It’s not what you look like, when you’re doin´ what you’re doin´.
Some people have everything, and other people don’t.
The most horrifying aspect of this situation is that the very musicians whom the young artists of today are imitating, sampling and – in the worst case scenarios – diluting, are systematically being phased out with each passing day. Many of them are dying in undeserved poverty and obscurity. Sadder still is that many people don’t even realize or care that this is happening. And the ones who do have some knowledge of the situation don’t have the guts to say or do anything about it. Anyone who cares to delve deeper into this will discover that the further we venture from the truth, the more confused we will become as a people, as a country and, ultimately, as a world."
interesting stuff on charles wright, been looking for that album too! already had straight outta compton though, perfection in my mind!
Your blog just keeps getting better! I have the wonderful Charles Wright album on my blog too (320kbps MP3's in case anyone wants a different format).
Vik - contact me if you need a premium Rapidshare account.
Keep up your great work,
nice post with the charles*t is tight over here!!! keep it up...
A teacher who I work with turned me on to "Workin' on the Chain Gang: Shaking Off the Dead Hand of History" and when I askd him what I could do to repay him, said, "Just keep practicing this phrase: 'Amen!'"
If you don't know it [yet] this book of Mosley's would fit right in around here. Best,
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