Dr. Dolittle runs this rap shit.

We can all breathe a sigh of relief. Justice was finally served. A mother was accidentally killed by FEMA (no, she wasn't shot in the back by cops) and her children have found a new home, all expenses paid, in Maryland. Food, shelter, education, health care, personal trainers, and a pool. God bless America.
The Salisbury Zoological Park is the new home for two otters, left homeless by the tragedy of Katrina. Jim Rapp, the zoo director drove to New Orleans to pick up the poor, hungry, homeless otters, "It was inspirational to see what those guys [otters] could accomplish."
"What's black and white and spreads hope all over?" Patience, Voodoo, and Satchmo, temporarily housed in Monterey Bay, are heading back to their newly refurbished New Orleans aquarium. Their tale of survival speaks volumes:
"Shortly after the hurricane, aquarium staff evacuated. The penguins and otters were alone in the darkened, stifling aquarium for two days, visited only by a police officer who tossed them their daily ration of fish. After days of frantic negotiations, the penguins and otters were flown to Monterey through a privately chartered plane financed mostly by actress and animal lover Betty White. They arrived Sept. 9."
The love keeps flowin. Finally, scientists recently flew to Panama to save some rare frogs. A deadly fungus is heading towards their environment, destined to wipe them out. Instead of waiting and watching them die, these scientists took action and saved these frogs. Thank the lord.
"When you can make predictions with respect to catastrophic population declines and extinctions, we all agreed you have a moral and ethical responsibility to do something about it," Dr. Mendelson said.
Sounds familiar. I heard somewhere that hurricane paths can be predicted.
It's a jungle out there.
METERS: Rejuvenation http://rapidshare.de/files/22652404/rejuv_met1974.rar
PARLIAMENT: The Best of http://rapidshare.de/files/22650371/bestofparl.rar
Hello from a blogger down under in NEW ZEALAND. I was surfing the blog world when your blog popped up. I had a look at a few posts - very interesting reading !!! I'll be back.............
Somebody has been taking their blogging Viagra
accidentally killed by FEMA
Dude. That is sheer brilliance on a sunday morning.
Long Live BC slanguage.
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