Industry Rule # 4083: Segregation

Before hip-hop was a suburban style. Before punk was how you wore your hair. Before skateboards were just a way to piss off your neighbors.
They were forms of personal expression.
Bands such as Minor Threat, Black Flag, RUN-DMC, Bad Brains, Fugazi, Public Enemy, Ice-T, and the Circle Jerks were carving their own musical niche. They shared politics, energy, and message. Some played instruments, some scratched a turntable. Different methods, same ends.
Glenn E. Friedman was there as it all happened. Armed with his camera, he captured the innocence, anger, and charisma of a burgeoning movement, without one ounce of Jane Goodall pretension. Glenn captured a moment in our history, as a form of expression was birthed. Before Sony, Columbia, BMI, and Interscope distilled and packaged it, wholesale, for the masses. Before Sony, Columbia, BMI, and Interscope decided that guitars were White and turntables were Black.
Chuck D wearing a Minor Threat t-shirt? Fits like a glove. Exactly.
This is a dope azz blog. PERIOD!
plus you mentioned Fugazi.
Game Rebellion is going to rock out at C.B.G.B. on Saturday nite. I am going to enjoy these dudes in the legendary venue. You should come down.
Your bLog is w0nderfuL!!! Yes RESPECT to All those people out there who reaLLy had something to say, lovable souls who coupLed their passion and taLeNt w/ integrity and credibiLity. Now it seems that anyb0dy who can rap and has a cute Face will be given theiR 16 minutes of faMe.
miss f -
thanks for stoppin by.
glad you like what you see. has become a cookie cutter phenomena
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