This woman went CA-RAY-ZEE. The media frenzy may be justified, but what about the REAL question here: Should women be allowed into space? Just foolin' you, my readers. How could the NASA selection process, which one must assume is rigorous, let HER slip through their door? How could this woman, in our post-9/11-war-on-terror-USA, make it into space?
Damn. This woman was more hardbody than all your favorite rappers. She was packin' a folding knife with two blades, a steel mallet, a pellet gun, pepper spray, rubber tubing, and trash bags. YOU do the math. Plus, the woman was wearing diapers. Sleep AND bathroom breaks are the cousins of death.
The first thing that popped into my head when I heard this news: "At least she ain't a minority." The media frenzy would've been a spectacle to behold. I'm willing to bet phrases such as "out of character," "life of accomplishment," and "very intelligent" would've failed to enter those articles.
Today was a long day. Plus, I needed an excuse to post some Amy Winehouse.